Monday, June 22, 2015

The Way Way Beginning

In order for me to tell my story accurately I need to take you back to where it all began... 

I was born March 14, 1999 in a Milwaukee hospital. 
(Disclaimer: This may be too much information to put out on the internet).

Anyways, that day I met the two people who would take care of me for the rest of my life. I took their last name and they gave me my first name. That was 16 years ago. I was told that when I am 18 it will be possible to contact the woman who gave birth to me. Yes, I am adopted. Yes, I have no idea who my parents are. 

This story is only the beginning of what my life would be like. As a teenager it's not always easy to fit in and be accepted. Throughout my life I have struggled to fit in and be accepted by my peers. Never once did I think it would be okay for me to stand out. 

This blog is my story. 

Everything that I have experienced in my short 16 years on this planet. 

My life isn't anything spectacular. I don't have a life threatening illness, never had a near death experience, and never been in love. Although I've never gone through these things I still struggle. This is me opening up and sharing. I figured it was time to share what I go through everyday. What better way to do that then on the internet. 

I hope you will  be willing to listen and accept me.